Information Privacy Policy
Data Given
Data that is provided to Garson Centennial Community Centre by an individual or company may include but is not limited to; First names, last names, company names, email addresses, telephone numbers, physical addresses, mailing addresses, and financial information.
Data submitted via online form or portal: By submitting this form you are aware that the information you have entered will be visible to the Chief Technology Officer, and you understand and agree that all information regarding and involving this process is to be kept strictly confidential, and will not be shared among any 3rd parties for the purposes of selling your data. You also agree that the information that you enter here will be securely stored, and can be entered into any database system that is employed by the Garson Centennial Community Centre, and may be viewed and/or accessed by any Garson Centennial Community Centre board member with an official title.
Data Processing
Personal data will be processed internally and not shared with any 3rd parties for the purposes of selling, or profiting.
Data is stored securely and may be entered into any database or storage system that is employed by Garson Centennial Community Centre.
Any personal data/information that is provided may be subject to review by any Garson Centennial Community Centre board member with an official title. Including but not limited to; President, Vice-President, Hall/Bookings Manager, Chief Technology Officer, or Secretary.
Questions & Concerns
For questions or concerns, please email or call our Chief Technology Officer at +1 (431) 478 1354.